I will be appearing on ABC’s “The View from the Bay” in San Francisco, on July 23rd, 2009, in the 3:00 PM – 4:00 PM segment.  Will be cooking one of my favorite recipes and talking about the release of my new award winning 2nd edition of Lucia’s Survival Guide and Cookbook.

My daughter, Gina, will also be on the segment and the recipient of some of my wonderful tips.  Gina is my “domestically challenged” daughter for whom the book was originally written.  She was also with me on the recent Today Show segment with Meredith Vieira.

Would also like to extend a special invitation to any of my local fans to be in the studio audience for this LIVE guest appearance.  Meet Spencer Christian, Janelle Wang . . . and me – and get a chance to see behind the scenes of a live television broadcast. Tickets for the show must be reserved in advance.  Check it all out on my website at www.LuciasBook.com

Looking forward to seeing you there!


My 19 year old daughter, Gina, was leaving home for the very first time to go off to college.  She knew almost nothing about cooking or basic domestic necessities. To this day, I still call her domestically challenged.  As a very worried mom, it was clear that something had to be done.  No more could I be looking over her shoulder.

In what was a spontaneous labor of love (and fear), I handwrote a survival guide for Gina to take with her to college.  It covered numerous basic Italian recipes and included helpful tips to locate and maintain her first apartment.  Not only did writing the guide calm my nerves but I am convinced also helped Gina survive her year away from home.  It’s funny, she still uses the guide to this day – some 30 years later.

The guide has grown into more than I ever could have imagined.  It is unbelievable to me that this handwritten notebook landed us on The Today Show and now is a top seller.  I am so happy to be able to share my knowledge and expertise as learned from my mom and as a homemaker from a generation requiring a level of domestic expertise that is often taken for granted in today’s lifestyle – or as I say, a diminishing art form.

Thank you so much for checking in and I look forward to sharing any thoughts or stories about my survival guide or anything at all that might be on your mind.